Pearls of Wisdom #1
"Stop playing small."
"Stop being intimidated."
"You are here right now for a reason"
I'm not exactly sure where I first heard this mantra but it stuck with me enough to put it in my notes. Also I live by this too. You are in a particular part of your life for a reason. Live in it, grow from it, take it by the hands and leap. It may be scary but the scariest thing of all is not knowing what you could be capable of.
Pearls of Wisdom #2
"I am a caterpillar. I may not fly as high as butterfly. But I am sure as hell grounded."
In November 2018, my friend Jas and I went to a resilient nurse workshop in Houston, TX. (To read more about this experience, go to my blog section) Moving on, Nurse Mo said this at the end of her speech and it has stuck with me ever since. We all know eventually the caterpillar will grow into a be a beautiful butterfly. But for now we take pride in being the great caterpillar that you are sis.
Pearls of Wisdom #3
"Be Still."
This particular mantra came from a good friend of mine, Peyton Comeaux. She said, "We can get so caught up in where we want to be and what we have to do, we don't take the time to acknowledge we are where we prayed to be. So be still and know that God is God and that all things are going to work out. But you have to appreciate and give Him reference for where you are now before he takes you where you're going.
Pearls of Wisdom #4
"The most important thing is to try and inspire people so that they can be great in whatever they want to do." - Kobe Bryant
January 26, 2020 we lost the basketball legend Kobe Bean Bryant. Being a 90's kid, most of us grew up watch this man from his rookie year until his retirement. He will forever be in our hearts. I challenge everybody this week to reach out to at least one person and let them know you care about them, you believe in them, and you love them. Rest In Paradise 🐐