Welcome Back guys. I hope you enjoyed the 2020 Recap but it’s time for a new vision. I know vision boards are kind of corny now, but I feel like they help focus your vision for the year. So, with the first month of 2021 wrapping up, I want you guys to create your vision boards. I designed my vision board using the Canva app. You can use the app or get creative with posters, magazines and glue. I would love to see you guy’s vision boards. Also, submission of vision boards will enter you into a drawing for my next giveaway so stay tuned! You can post them in the comments or post them on IG! Use the #TKNVisionBoardChallenge or #TheKlassicNurse when submitting your boards.
The Klassic Nurse 💋
Explanation of vision board: money for the multiple business ventures I have in process for 2021, the cross for my continued relationship with God, Mary Kay is one of my business ventures for this year (let ya'll moms and grannies know) Fendi because that is my baby, my logo because this is the year of The Klassic Nurse, 25 because this year is my OG year, candles for if you know you know.
Love it 🥰 Here’s my 2021 VB